Friday, May 2, 2008

1st day of work...

1st day at work, falls on a Friday; after a public holiday. A lot of people is on leave today since Thursday was a holiday. First time start work with casual wear (Friday casual).

Thought office shouldn't be as cold as the Obtech, I've decided not to bring a sweater along. Not so good to show my new superior that I am that weak right? hehe.. Scaring of being too cold, I've chosen a long sleeves tee to wear. But, I guess I've overestimate myself... It's freaking cold.. and it's 10 times freaking colder than Obtech. As the aircond is jus right above where I sit. Luckily this would only be a temporary place (for 1 week). The girl that I am going to replace, will be leaving by next Friday. This means, I will only have 1 week of time to pick up the staffs that I will be responsible at.

I still "mong cha cha" now...Still vert blur on the processes...on the jobs..on the details of the forms..which n which managers i will liaising with..Now I am worried. Worse still, the girl that I will be replacing her, told me this "I punya filing, suk, SUK SUK SUK!!! Next time, you BETULKANNYA ah.." I feel like crying when she told me this. As, I have dealth with this girl before, I know how "messy" is she..

Anyways, let's hope Monday will be better. I will bring my cup and sweater there for sure.


Anonymous said...

wish u luck..

ShirLey said...

you know what? to you, obtech is quite cold right.. but to the new guy, he said damn hot ler, very 'kok', and now we open the door all the while..and we went and see the new office already,. Can you imagine? the seat arrangement exactly same lol, and the table is even smaller than recent one... *sigh*...