Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm feeling weird...

I'm feeling weird... Tomorrow is my 1st day at JTI. I have closed the chapter of Obtech. I should feel excited and happy, but somehow.. I just feel weird.

If were to explain, I would say is because I have only stayed in Obtech for a short period. It seems like I have not explored enough. (What is there to explore????) Is like.. I have met some cute people there... But with just 4 months there, we might be only hi bye friends... I want to know them more.. Even though people always say, don't mix up your friends and colleagues... Colleagues are not friends.. Perhaps a libran just like to have more friends.. I just cannot differentiate colleagues and friends.. To me, colleagues can be friends if we can click. =)

Besides that, with just serving 2 weeks notice, I am not fully prepared a new job yet. Haha, again, Librans are lazy bums... I wish I can have a long long vacation. The best is 2 months. =P

Well, feeling weird is a thing, I do hope that I can settle down in JTI. I'm tired of attending interviews.. tired of filling up forms.. Most importantly, tired of adapting new environment. Hopefully this time, less complains from me... *pray hard*

Last but not least, I thank all Obtech-ians which I know. You guys have been nice to me. :) I will try to keep in touch with you all.. Be it thru MSN, phone calls, lunchies, dinners or yum cha sessions. :) *muacks*~

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