Thursday, May 22, 2008

temp receptionist..

We had a HR meeting this morning. Basically it's a discussion between Compensation Benefits and Recruitment teams. Anyways, there's no need for me to enclose what we had discussed. The important point here is that, I just found out today that according to JTI's company policy, one shall will not be entitled for any leave if he or she joins the company other than 1st day of the month. In my case, I joined on 2nd May. Thus, I won't be entitled for any leave for May. Sigh, you thought I don't want to join on 1st May? Labour day...cannot work.. and my offer letter is written 2nd May. =(

So, to make myself feel better, I take 19th May (Wesak Day) as my leave. haha...

Ok, let's get back the topic as per my post title - Temp Receptionist.

Today, our receptionist was admitted to the hospital during morning time. I was told before that if the receptionist needs to go on leave, I will be responsible to call up some agencies to look for temporary worker.

However, I was not told that if in case of emergency, I will need to sit there and be a temporary receptionist. Well, I just got the news today. Alright, I did not sit there for whole day, but half a day (as I took turns with another girl).

Let me show u some of the photos I took while I 'work' as a temporary receptionist.

Alright, as you can see, I am super bored. haha... Before this, I have totally no idea how to transfer calls by using the key phone system. It's quite complicated if I may say. I am not sure whether did I transfer calls wrongly or not. =P

I bought one cup of tomato + watermelon juice during lunch. It tastes good. Juices with tomato sure taste good! It was really filling. I have decided to take it the next time if I want a light meal. Furthermore, according to the aunty, it is a dieting juice =)

The rest of the pictures are just to show you guys how JTI lobby looks like. We have 3 floors overall, and I am based at 6th floor. There's nothing much in 5th floor, but 7th floor is really nice. They have bean bags, TV, Astro and Play Station. But, so far, I have yet to see anyone sit there and watch tv or play games. =P I will find chance to sneak up and take some photos. hehe..

Lastly, today is not too bad for me. More importantly, DAVID COOK won!!!
~Always be my baby~ *muacks*

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Finally I got my laptop back. I miss blogging here.

Anyways, let's do some updates on my laptop 1st. The reason I sent my laptop for repair is because (1) I suspect the hard disk got problem, as it is making some weird sound and I find it annoying. (2) When I put on fullscreen mode, my screen will turn all white. I can still hear sound, but no 'wayang'.

They (Acer) called n tell me, they cannot hear any sound from my hard disk at all. Ok, fine, for me that is not a big problem. As for the screen, they said my LCD screen got problem but they don't have the parts at that time. So they sent back my laptop. After 3 days, they called and say they have the parts already and took my laptop again. This time, they took 2 weeks to repair it. Worse still, I could have gotten back the laptop on yesterday, but because they made a mistake, and sent it back to my old company (Obtech) which I have already informed that I am not with that company anymore! They sent back my laptop once back to my house. They picked up the laptop this time from my house also. I just don't see why they will make this mistake. Anyways, I thank God that I finally have my laptop with me now.

Ok, time to do some updates on my job then. I have taken some photos on last Monday (12 May). I shifted to my actual sitting place that day (previously sat by the girl which I replace). As per my some of my posts earlier, she is not that organized. So, her place was quite untidy (to me it is untidy, maybe some people can accept). I used 2 days to clean up the place. When I say clean up, I do really mean CLEAN UP. I actually asked the cleaner to pass me a cloth so that I can climb up and down to wipe the table, computer, drawers, shelfs and folders. Here are the photos which I have taken to show you guys how many folders are there which I need to handle.

After about 2 weeks of working in JTI, I find myself is getting used to the environment. No doubt that I am still trying to familiarize with the work, but I think denitely I will be able to pick up the tasks in no time. What worries me more is that, I am having a hard time to remember the names. As I am under the HR department, which we need to deal with all of the deparments in JTI; till now, I am still not so clear on if issue A who should I go to, if it's issue B who is the one that I need to look for..etc. Wish me luck for this. I always thought I have very good memory in memorizing people's face and name. Now I know, I am not smart after all. haha.

Ok, I shall do more updates next time. Perhaps tomorrow? I will show the photos which how my desk looks like after my spring cleaning session.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day~

I've stopped my diet and sports plan since last Thursday. Worse still, Friday, Saturday and today I ate so much!!!!!! Friday lunch had Thai food - Phad Thai + a little bit of Mango Sticky Rice with Shirley. Then dinner went to Tony Roma's in Cineleisure for Suhaila's farewell (this was a nightmare, I left 1 whole piece of fish..Couldn't stuff any more food into my stomache). Thereafter I went for movie -Iron Man. Not too bad.. I was quite reluctant to watch it initially, but well, the movie was quite funny. :)

Saturday, I woke up around 11 plus.. I thought I can sleep till 1 or 2pm.. All thanks to Chee Hooi. haha.. Anyways, lunch, I went Subang with my parents. Ordered Assam Laksa and felt not enough, ordered Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun also. Dinner went Bak Kut Teh with bf n friends.. We ordered too much...So much meats...

Today, lunch with bf's family for mother's day celebration at seputeh Robson Heights. Food there was quite good. But again, we ordered too much. 5 people, we ordered 1 pai guat, 1 vege, 1 curry fish head, 1 steamed egg. Feel like vommit after that meal. Dinner........ with my own family..for mother's day celebration also. We went to Sri Rampai near to TARC. Ok, as you can guess..we ordered a lot as well. 1 steamed fish, 1 taufu, 1 marmite chicken, 1 zhuk tan and 1 vege. I can't believe I actually finish the whole plate or rice.

Sigh, my sports activities that I've done for the past 1 week is all wasted. Now, I think I have to use 2 weeks to burn all the food that I have eaten in just these 3 days. But anyhow, I feel grateful that I can still eat with my family to celebrate mother's day. I wish all the moms out there are happy as my mom. :)

Ok, I think I have to warn my family not to order so much food for father's day. =P

Tomorrow, I MUST go for jogging and hoola hoops again.

Thursday, May 8, 2008



放工回家要是还早,又没下雨的话,就会到附近的草场慢跑。严格上说起来,不算慢跑,因为我才跑两圈。剩下的全用走的。哈哈。。没办法啦,不够stamina嘛。。=P 跑完步后,就会摇1200下呼啦圈。如果还有力气的话,就做30-50下sit up。ok,我知道跑两圈&30-50下sit up很少;可是,对我这种平时连走楼梯都懒的人来说,已经是极限了。哈哈!



希望藉着正常的饮食习惯和适量的运动会有助于我的体重下降吧!~ 最近真的胖了很多啦。。女人的天敌:年龄&肥胖。年龄我没办法改变,可肥胖我一定要控制得住!!!


Tuesday, May 6, 2008



可能还需要多一点点的时间。。 因为我发现,我真的还不习惯。。


1) 不习惯与马来人+印度人相处

至我董事以来,我就甚少与马来人混在一起。。虽说如今的我具有强烈的种族歧视意识。。 可是我并没刻意地去疏远他们。我小时候就读华小,班上“清一色”都是华人。整个学校或许就只有那么一两个巫裔。升上中学,虽说是国民型学校,可是就读的学生还是华人居多。。印象当中,我好像只跟过两名巫裔和两名印裔同胞同班(一点也不熟)。可悲的是,我记得我说过最多的马来句子,竟然是“Cikgu, bolehkah saya pergi ke tandas”。到了学院时期,就算有几个巫裔+印裔朋友,可是就是无法跟他们“埋堆”。。 大学是在澳洲念的,自然没跟他们有很多的接触了。

第一份工- IBM。有好多马来人+印度人。。可是我的team,又刚巧全部都是华人。。
第二份工- EPS。 在office,只有15个人。。 对,你没猜错。只有华人。。 没有友族。
第三份工- Obtech。 我以为比较大的公司应该会有多一点儿友族同胞吧。。可是,一个也没有。


在IBM时,负责admin+excel+reporting。觉得工作很无聊,终日无所事事。不是MSN,就是check Friendster, download mp3s。就是那样所以只待了8个月。因为觉得没前途也没钱途。

至于EPS,起初还蛮享受。因为很新鲜,也符合了我的性格。“自己知自己事”;虽说我是IT Grad,但我自问没这方面的天份。而我很清楚我的优势是语文能力(好感谢当年妈妈送我去英文补习,不然今天我就什么都不行了)。EPS Recruitment 让我有机会发挥。

Obtech的工作性质和EPS不相上下。只是个人不太喜欢management的处事方法(only resource team management, not whole obtech)。

虽说我在JTi也是处理有关Recruitment的工作,可是就像从前是在Vendor,现在是 Client。有点儿回归到了IBM时期(因为有好多的report+filing)。不过不同在于会接触到比较多HR related area。




不止MSN,YOUTUBE, MP3 page 也不行。。 :~(

还好我还能check gmail,,。。哈哈。。。


Anyway, 今天趁放工还没回家时,拍了office一些些照片:

Friday, May 2, 2008

1st day of work...

1st day at work, falls on a Friday; after a public holiday. A lot of people is on leave today since Thursday was a holiday. First time start work with casual wear (Friday casual).

Thought office shouldn't be as cold as the Obtech, I've decided not to bring a sweater along. Not so good to show my new superior that I am that weak right? hehe.. Scaring of being too cold, I've chosen a long sleeves tee to wear. But, I guess I've overestimate myself... It's freaking cold.. and it's 10 times freaking colder than Obtech. As the aircond is jus right above where I sit. Luckily this would only be a temporary place (for 1 week). The girl that I am going to replace, will be leaving by next Friday. This means, I will only have 1 week of time to pick up the staffs that I will be responsible at.

I still "mong cha cha" now...Still vert blur on the processes...on the jobs..on the details of the forms..which n which managers i will liaising with..Now I am worried. Worse still, the girl that I will be replacing her, told me this "I punya filing, suk, SUK SUK SUK!!! Next time, you BETULKANNYA ah.." I feel like crying when she told me this. As, I have dealth with this girl before, I know how "messy" is she..

Anyways, let's hope Monday will be better. I will bring my cup and sweater there for sure.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I'm feeling weird...

I'm feeling weird... Tomorrow is my 1st day at JTI. I have closed the chapter of Obtech. I should feel excited and happy, but somehow.. I just feel weird.

If were to explain, I would say is because I have only stayed in Obtech for a short period. It seems like I have not explored enough. (What is there to explore????) Is like.. I have met some cute people there... But with just 4 months there, we might be only hi bye friends... I want to know them more.. Even though people always say, don't mix up your friends and colleagues... Colleagues are not friends.. Perhaps a libran just like to have more friends.. I just cannot differentiate colleagues and friends.. To me, colleagues can be friends if we can click. =)

Besides that, with just serving 2 weeks notice, I am not fully prepared a new job yet. Haha, again, Librans are lazy bums... I wish I can have a long long vacation. The best is 2 months. =P

Well, feeling weird is a thing, I do hope that I can settle down in JTI. I'm tired of attending interviews.. tired of filling up forms.. Most importantly, tired of adapting new environment. Hopefully this time, less complains from me... *pray hard*

Last but not least, I thank all Obtech-ians which I know. You guys have been nice to me. :) I will try to keep in touch with you all.. Be it thru MSN, phone calls, lunchies, dinners or yum cha sessions. :) *muacks*~