Monday, June 4, 2012


Browsing through, which was set up back in year 2005 then I realize...
  1. I am still a "happy go lucky" girl but not showing out so much as compared to 7 years back..
  2. I am still wearing some of the t-shirts, shorts and tops that I wore back then..God knows how long those clothes have been around..haha.. (should I feel happy that I can still fit into the clothes after 7 years?)
  3. My skin condition has gone worse (唉,只能感叹岁月不留人...)
  4. I am not keeping close contacts with most of the people that were used to be regular in my photo albums.. (finally understand people come and go in your life..有些人,只不过是你人生其中一站的过客)
  5. It were those moments that I had back then contribute to what I am today. I am not a great person but I am certain and confident to say that, I am a good person and I feel contented with what I have now. :)



你幸福吗?此时此刻,我觉得幸福。 :)
